Mindfulness for Organizations & Teams
Which story do you choose?
The quality of our actions reflect the quality of the thoughts and emotions that drive them.
After all, what great achievement was ever accomplished without passion, drive, courage, or care? On the other hand, how many initiatives were dragged down by worry, stress, doubt, or fear?
What might happen if the leaders and teams responsible for planning and executing change had the ability to understand - in real time - the states of being behind their actions? And if those states aren't clear, effective, or useful, could in that moment choose a mindset that is?
And what if this ability also greatly reduced stress, improved performance and morale, fostered clearer communications, and set the stage for truly innovative thinking?
It starts within.
The Art of Monday Morning offers courses, programs, seminars, and consulting to leaders and teams to develop the skills to operate mindfully and effectively.
Mindfulness is the capacity within each of us to:
Recognize the root causes of stress and develop the skills to minimize/eliminate them
Improve the clarity and quality of our thoughts, as well as our ability to communicate them with our teams and leaders, resulting in more effective, transparent, and productive interactions.
Consciously choose actions that are helpful and constructive for ourselves, our teams, and our customers
Cultivate healthier states of wellbeing and ongoing commitment
As we increase our own individual skill to mindfully operate and interact with others, we in turn improve our organization’s ability to do the same, with benefits including:
Increased performance and productivity
Higher quality interactions, including more effective communications and flexible team dynamics
Reduced burnout and improved resilience to stress
Improved emotional intelligence
Improved creativity and innovation
Empowered and effective decision making
Standard Full-Day Program
The below represents a sample of standard and recommended course content.
Material can be presented both in-person and/or virtually, based on what works best for your organization.
All programs may be customized to address specific organizational goals, outcomes, and/or contexts, such as business or IT transformation, strategic alignment, innovation, organizational change, etc.
Multi-day programs offer additional material and dive deeper into practice, and are recommended for leadership training, retreats, and/or targeted efforts to build team cohesion and alignment.
While all coursework is customized to suit your organization’s objectives, recommended topics typically include:
Why we act, feel, and think the way we do (and what can we do about it when it isn't helpful or effective), and the science behind mindfulness practice.
Moving from conditioned reactions to conscious action, and understanding the power of intent.
Recognizing our inner critic, finding our most helpful inner voice, and meditation practices for awareness, focus, insight, and stress-reduction.
Exploring the Four Questions of Mindfulness, including case studies & practical application, as well as mindfully managing change.
Models for mindfully giving and receiving feedback, and conversation models for making commitments (and for handling them when something goes wrong).
Foundations of Thought Leadership Program
A Program of Six One-Hour Training Sessions to Sharpen the Mind, Inspire Innovation, and Build Cohesion for Organizational Leaders & Teams
Designed to be delivered virtually and during times that work best for your organization, this program was created to enhance team performance, improve organizational effectiveness and communication, and boost individual confidence and resolve without the need for a substantial time commitment.
Click here to learn more!
Let’s connect!
Every engagement begins with a conversation to explore how our approach to mindfulness could best serve your organization and its goals. We'll also further explain our curriculum and training approach, and answer any questions that you may have.
We're excited to see how we can help, and look forward to connecting with you!
Click here to view and download the information sheet as a .pdf.
Mindfulness Research (a very small sample)
Improves self-confidence and leadership abilities: “Effect of meditation on self-perception of leadership skills: A control group study of CEOs”, Amar, Hlupic, Tamwatin, Academy of Management Proceedings, 2017
Reduces stress-related health problems, including anxiety and depression: “Meditation Programs for Psychological Stress and Well-Being: a systematic Review and Meta-analysis”, Goyal, Singh, Sibinga, Journal of the American Medical Association, 2014
Mindfulness & Performance
Keeping Our Eye on the Ball
“In 1989, long before mindfulness became the buzzword that it is today, Phil Jackson introduced mindfulness practices to the Chicago Bulls to pull the team together, reduce tensions among players, and ultimately win championships. At the time, many players, including Michael Jordan, were highly skeptical, but when they went on to win six NBA titles, the skepticism disappeared. Afterward, Jackson employed the same approach with the Los Angeles Lakers, who went on to win five NBA championships.”("What Mindfulness Can Do for a Team", Lingtao Yu and Mary Zellmer-Bruhn, May 31, 2019, Harvard Business Review)